ZMO News

Friday, 3 May 2019

23 May 2019, London School of Economics and Political Science
Malinowski Memorial Lecture:
State-like and state-dislike in the anthropological margins
Lecture by Dr. Judith Scheele (EHESS, ZMO)

We are delighted to announce that Judith Scheele, who is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at ZMO, has been chosen to present the annual Malinowski Memorial Lecture of the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 
Her lecture argues for a return to the study of political institutions in so-called "stateless societies", and for the need to free them from their association with locally circumscribed, unmarked or even "unthought" practice. This is done with special reference to North Africa and the Sahara.

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10. Mai , 16 Uhr, ZMO
Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven (MIDA)
Launch des Online-Archivportals

Bei der Erforschung der Geschichte Indiens stehen oft britische Kolonialarchive im Vordergrund. Dabei bieten auch deutsche Archive reichhaltige Bestände mit großem wissenschaftlichem Potenzial, die den historischen Indienstudien neue Perspektiven eröffnen können. Nun geht das Archivportal des Forschungsvorhabens „Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven 1706-1989“ (MIDA) online, das Bestände deutscher Archive zur Geschichte des modernen Indiens erfasst und beschreibt.
MIDA ist ein von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gefördertes Langfristvorhaben (Beginn 11/2014) unter Beteiligung des Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) in Göttingen, des Instituts für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften (IAAW) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin sowie des Leibniz-Zentrums Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin.
Zum Launch des Archivportals lädt MIDA zu einer festlichen Eröffnungsveranstaltung ein.


15 May, 7 pm, bi‘bak, Prinzenallee 59, 13359 Berlin
Skin – A Film by Afraa Batous
Filmscreening and Q&A with the director

In 2010, Afraa Batous and a group of young people in Aleppo worked on the text “The Hamlet Machine” by East-German writer Heiner Müller. In his play, Müller imagines the end of submission – a revolution that also leads to destruction. Only one year after having engaged with this text, the revolution in Syria comes true. The huge similarity between “The Hamlet Machine” and what happened in Syria after 2011 pushed Afraa to go back to the people who were working with her on the play to see how they are dealing with the life that they had depicted in the play and that now became reality.
After the screening there will be a Q&A with the director, Afraa Batous. Lisa Jöris (ZMO) is moderating the discussion.

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16 May , 5 pm, ZMO
Tracing Nuances: The Role of Art in Talking about Political Conflict and Violence in Kashmir
Talk by Malik Sajad, visual artist and writer              Chair: Dr. Hilal Alkan (ZMO)                                     Discussant: Dr. Nicole Wolf (Goldsmiths College London)

Kashmiri graphic novelist Malik Sajad's talk will engage with the conflict in Kashmir and the role of art in the representation of political conflicts. When people and populations are reduced to numbers or simple identities, nuances are missed and the human condition is easily overlooked. Would art and artistic representations help us overcome this widespread condition? Malik Sajad will navigate this terrain through his own art work within the context of Kashmir and the war between India and Pakistan.

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22 May, 4 pm, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures & Societies, Altensteinstr. 48, 14195 Berlin
Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience
Book presentation by Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse (ZMO) Discussants: Dr. Abdoulaye Sounaye (ZMO) and Dr. Hassan Mwakimako (Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenya, and Visiting Researcher at ZMO)

Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience is the latest book published by Kai Kresse in December 2018. It is an exploration of the ideas and public discussions that have shaped and defined the experience of Kenyan coastal Muslims. Focusing on Kenyan postcolonial history, Kai Kresse isolates the ideas that coastal Muslims have used to separate themselves from their "upcountry Christian" countrymen. Kresse looks back to key moments and key texts — pamphlets, newspapers, lectures, speeches, radio discussions — as a way to map out the postcolonial experience and how it is negotiated in the coastal Muslim community.

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23 May, 5 pm, ZMO
Dictators Without Borders: The Globalization of Central Asian Authoritarianism and the Ethical Challenges of International Research Cooperation

Lecture by Dr. John Heathershaw (University of Exeter) as part of the ZMO-Colloquium

John Heathershaw's research addresses conflict and security in authoritarian political environments, especially in post-Soviet Central Asia. It considers how and how effectively conflict is managed in authoritarian states. Heathershawconvenes the Exeter Central Asian Studies (ExCAS) research network and directs its Central Asian Political Exiles (CAPE) project.

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13-14 May 2019, ZMO
Lost and gained on the way
Placing ‚transit‘ migration in Europe, Africa and Asia

This workshop focuses on the dynamics of objects, relationships, skills and meanings being lost and gained in places of transit in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Pursuing, conceptually, an approach that places migrants as active social actors in the centre, the workshop participants present their research on what migrants do in situations of so-called transit; how they balance the aspirations of moving on and making a life where they are located at that particular moment. The workshop, then, aims to create a common ground for critically unfolding and destabilizing the concept of “transit” migration itself.


Tenders & Calls

Research Positions at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient from 1 January 2020
Closing date: 2 June 2019

Within its new research programme „Thinking through Translocal Entanglements: Perspectives from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East” (2020-2024), ZMO announces the opening of six research positions for PhD holders. ZMO is also seeking to employ one PhD candidate on a part-time basis (65%).

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Maria Framke, Esther Möller
From Local Philanthropy to Political Humanitarianism: South Asian and Egyptian Humanitarian Aid During the Period of Decolonisation

This working paper focuses on the provision of Egyptian and South Asian humanitarian aid during decolo-nisation that saw the emergence of India and Egypt as independent nation-states in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

ZMO Working Papers, No. 22, 2019

Judith Scheele, Julien Brachet
The Value of Disorder. Autonomy, Prosperity, and Plunder in the Chadian Sahara

Despite being central to the develop- ment of Saharan regional connectivity, northern Chad has been closed to researchers since the late 1960s and thus remains virtually unknown to scholarship. Based on long-term fieldwork, The Value of Disorder is an original and in-depth account of the area and its Tubu majority inhabitants.

Cambridge University Press, May 2019 (expected date)

Nora Lafi
Penser les marges de l'Europe: héritage ottoman, frontières invisibles et nouvelles forteresses

Beitrag in dem Sammelband Fluchtpunkt, das Mittelmeer und die europäische Krise.  Der Band ist sowohl auf deutsch als auch auf französisch verfügbar.

In: Franck Hofmann et Markus Messling (direction), Point de fuite. La Méditerranée et la crise européenne, Hermann éditeurs, Paris, 2019

ZMO in the Media

Christian Buttkereit
Bahn-Comeback in der Türkei: Dank Instagram wieder populär

ZMO-Mitarbeiter Malte Fuhr-mann erklärt im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk, warum das Bahnnetz in der Türkei während des Osmanischen Reichs vor gut 100 Jahren teils besser ausgebaut war als heute. Der Radiobeitrag nimmt denHörer dabei mit auf eine zeitgenössische Bahnreise von Ankara nach Kars.

Deutschlandfunk Kultur, WELTZEIT, 3. April 2019

René Wildangel
Laute Islamkritiker, leise Islamversteher. Wissenschaftler und die deutsche Islamdebatte

René Wildangel berichtet von der Podiumsdiskussion "Was sind muslimische Welten? Fragen an den globalen Norden", die das ZMO am 4. April 2019 im Rahmen der Konferenz "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global" veranstaltet hat.
Wildangel fordert, dass Wissenschaftler mit ihren Forschungsergebnissen stärker in die öffentliche Debatte eingreifen. Nur so könne Wissenschaft der Desinformation durch Populisten wirksam entgegentreten.

Qantara, 27. April 2019

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